• RA Benefits 是否可以帮助支付教育费用. 高年级学生可以申请成为住宿助理(RA),以换取各种级别的房间福利和小额津贴. The housing benefit and stipend must be included as a resource in the financial aid package. 这是根据美国的规定制定的.S. 管理联邦财政援助项目的教育部. This means that a student's level of financial need is affected and in turn, eligibility for Subsidized Stafford loans and Federal Work Study will be less than in previous years. 拥有RA职位且未申请经济援助或提交经济援助申请的学生将不被批准在校工作. 更多信息可从 Office of Residence Life.
  • Tuition Exchange - This benefit is for spouses and dependents of College and University employees. 建议你在孩子入学前的秋季开始申请流程. 很多决定都是在一月或二月做出的. 联系你雇主的人力资源办公室获取更多信息. 学费交换奖学金取代所有其他W&J Scholarships and Grants. 有资格获得外部资助和奖学金的学生可以使用这些资金来帮助支付食宿费用. 通勤者的学费交换奖励将减少他们收到的外部资助金额.
  • Tuition Remission - 雇员及雇员的配偶/受养人&J. 学费减免奖学金取代所有其他W&J Scholarships and Grants. If a student is commuting, grants from the federal and state governments will decrease the remission award.
  • 职业康复福利办公室 - 或者联系你所在县的职业康复办公室
  • Military Benefits - Washington & 杰斐逊学院获得退伍军人教育津贴. Some programs also allow for the transfer of benefits to go to qualifying dependents. 由退伍军人管理局决定.
  • Private College 529 Plan - This is a new way to pay for a child's future education costs and is more of a long term investment.
  • 需要(黑人教育紧急活动) - Washington & 杰斐逊学院与NEED项目和PHEAA的PATH项目合作,为来自宾夕法尼亚州西部特定县的非裔美国学生提供独特的资助机会. 这些县包括阿勒格尼, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington and Westmoreland.
    NEED是一个提供经济援助的社区组织, internships, 以及帮助年轻的非洲裔美国人申请大学的咨询, finance, 完成高等教育. 来自NEED的资金帮助填补了联邦政府之后存在的缺口, state, 机构援助也已耗尽.
    宾夕法尼亚州高等教育援助机构(PHEAA)有一个独特的项目,使用州政府的拨款来匹配参与机构对学生的私人捐款. NEED就是这些机构之一, so there is potential for funding from both NEED and PATH for students who meet the criteria.