Dining Services


W&J Dining经营三个校园餐饮场所: 下议院咖啡馆,G&T 's Grill和X 'Prez 'O. Through quality, freshness, consistency, 接触新菜系, healthy options, 饮食住宿, 和食品教育&J Dining's mission is to provide an outstanding dining experience for the W&J community. 有关食物选择和餐饮选择的更多信息, click here.

The Commons Café is home to a variety of food stations which offer a variety of fresh and health options, including a wood-fired brick oven for creating unique pizza and pasta dishes.

G&T's Grill, 位于罗辛校园中心的低层,提供按单烧烤和沙拉,可以快速吃上一口. The dining area includes booths, single seating, and a stage for evening entertainment.

X’Prez’O, 位于旅馆, 特色“澳门葡京博彩软件自豪地服务”星巴克咖啡以及特色茶和自制美食糕点. 咖啡师还提供各种外卖餐. In addition, X’Prez’O offers a wide selection of snacks and bottled beverages.

**如果您有饮食限制或偏好, 澳门葡京博彩软件鼓励你告诉工作人员,这样他们就能确保你能吃到符合你营养需求的食物.

W&J Dining workers prepare meals November 2, 2020 in the Commons on the campus of Washington & Jefferson College.
W&J Dining workers prepare meals November 2, 2020 in the Commons on the campus of Washington & Jefferson College.

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